Subsequent games and TMNT merchandise in Japan changed April back to being a friend of the Turtles, not family.
Within the manual and in game, this fact is made clear in story and dialogue, though it is never further explained beyond just being an overlying detail. Channel 6's most eager reporter is now Splinter's daughter.

The overall plot remains more or less identical, apart from a very significant difference, that being April 'O Neil. For many of the young Japanese audience, Gekikame would be their proper introduction to the Ninja Turtles franchise, albeit its story is not exactly the same one which the Western audience were familiar with. Released as Gekikame Ninja Den ("Legend of The Powerful Ninja Turtles") prior to all other eventual releases around the world, Gekikame was actually the very first piece of TMNT related content to reach Japan. Its Japanese release is probably the most interesting out of the many releases this single game saw. In Europe, The game used the UK enforced Hero Turtles banner and was released by Palcom, another of Konami's subsidiaries. As a work around to avoid Nintendo's strict policy of the number of released titles per company over a fiscal year, the game was released under Konami's Ultra Games banner. All the turtles are at your disposal at any given time, though the game itself is strictly for one player only. Interestingly enough, Konami opted for a very different style of game to experiment with to set it apart from the action platformer genre the licensed games often fell under, and tried to make use of an essential part of the TMNT's allure, teamwork. The very first TMNT game came in 1989 on the NES, appropriately titled Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.