This mantra invokes peaceful energies and softly and gently purifies a place. Played during healing sessions, it facilitates the assimilation of healing energies from the healer and the environment. The mantra Om Shanti is intended to facilitate deeper states of relaxation, to create a sense of calmness and spiritual well-being, to soothe, uplift and inspire.The mantra Om: The Sound of Stillness was specifically recommended for healing rooms. Chanting this mantra also has purifying effects on the aura and chakras. The mantra “Om” can be used to energetically purify a room by disintegrating negative thoughts and emotions. The mantra Om: The Sound of Stillness or Om: The Divine Sound can be used for purification.The effects of some of the mantras taught by MCKS (and recorded in his voice) are as follows: While all mantras are inherently powerful, different mantras have slightly different effects and purposes. Purification and Energizing: Mantras also have purification and energizing effects. Also, all the meditations taught in the MCKS Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga system leverage the power of mantras.Ģ. Do note that the effect of using “Amen” or “Amin” during the Meditation on the Twin Hearts is similar to that of the mantra “Om”. This is why the mantra “Om” is used during the Meditation on the Twin Hearts to facilitate expansion of consciousness. The use of mantras during meditation allow us to shift our consciousness to a higher frequency so that it can register higher impressions. We sometimes pick them up from the people surrounding us. All these emotions or thoughts are not necessarily ours. When we mediate, we can often notice a lot of thoughts and emotions coming to our mind. How many different sorts of good and bad emotions you may pick up the entire day? So imagine the number of people that we come across throughout the day. A happy and jolly person can make us happy. How does that happen? It is because we can pick up emotions from others. We can actually feel if the person sitting next to us is happy or angry or depressed. Raising Consciousness: The human body and the mind are capable of projecting and receiving messages like electronic devices just like a wireless radio that captures signals. Let’s look at both of these in some more detail.ġ. The second, is that mantras have specific cleansing (or purifying) and energizing effects which make it suitable for self and spiritual development. The first, mantras enable our consciousness to shift to higher levels. In general, for personal use, mantras have two applications (there are other esoteric uses which we will not be discussing in this article). Hence Mantra Yoga in itself is one of the 7 types of Yoga. While it is not clearly known what gives a mantra its power, but these sounds are holy and produce powerful effects when used properly. You may also feel a certain sense of peace in your mind. You will possibly not feel like criticizing other people or will not feel like hurting anyone at that moment. You may notice that your anger and hatred is melting away. Once you finish, just be aware of your inner state. Chant the mantra “Om”, “Amin” or “Amen” 12 times slowly and with awareness. You may do a simple experiment to evaluate the potency of these sacred sounds for yourself. The inner meaning of the word Amen or Amin is “In the name of God, so be it.” All Judaism, Islam and Christian prayers end with “Amen” or “Amin”.

Therefore, another name of God by the Kabbalists is also “Aum” or “Om”. In the Kabbalah and in the book of Zohar one of the 72 names of God is “Aleph Vav Mem” where Aleph starts for A, Vav stands for U and Mem stands for M.If we look at all these words that describe God, we will see all the words surprisingly start with “Om”. In Christianity God is described as Omnipotent (which means that God is all powerful), Omnipresent (which means God is present everywhere), and Omniscient (which means God is all knowing).In Hinduism for example, the word “Om” is supposed to represent the primordial sound used in creation. It is also a mantra which is found in Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism.According to MCKS the mantras “Om”, “Amin” and “Amen” are sacred and universal, and do not necessarily belong to a single tradition. Possible the most frequently used mantras in the world include “Om” ,”Amin” and “Amen” and occur in various traditions. If we look around the world, we can find the existence of similar words in different traditions.